Dominant and recessive types, but no type constancy.
The recessive type and its traits manifests obliquely (hidden text) via narcissistic tunneling. It crosses the dominant type barrier, disguised.
Examples, Private cases of a larger phenomenon which I dubbed "narcissistic tunneling":
Some covert narcissists are people pleasers. YouTubers who are self-styled moral crusaders, heroes, rescuers, savers.
Other covert narcissists are perennial and competitive victims, never do wrong - always wronged. Empaths. YouTubers who self-identify as victims and codependents.
YouTubers who out as narcissists but claim to be “healing”, “recovering”, or to be “in treatment” (manipulative codependency, control from the bottom).
Cerebral would enjoy food or have a somatoform disorder or an eating disorder or would masturbate compulsively
Somatic would philosophize about and create an ideology around his sexual conquests, dating, gender issues, relationships, martial arts, body building, exercise, become a health nut or an amateur MD, therapist.
Covert will volunteer on high visibility projects or campaigns, initiate personal heroic morality crusades, join narcissistic institutions or collectives
Overt will act shy or insecure, passive-aggressive, pseudo-humble in certain situations and is always envious.
Kajdzik, M., & Moroń, M. (2023). Signaling High Sensitivity to Influence Others: Initial Evidence for the Roles of Reinforcement Sensitivity, Sensory Processing Sensitivity, and the Dark Triad. Psychological Reports, 0(0).
Study suggests ‘high sensitivity’ label is used by narcissists and psychopaths as a manipulative tactic